The Office of Military & Veteran Services in partnership with the Office of Financial Aid is dedicated to ensuring campus communication and services are aligned to provide prospective service members, veterans, and their dependents with a coordinated system of service to ensure a seamless transition from the military to Lincoln University. (NASFAA-Tip Sheet for Military and Veterans)
For additional information and telephone numbers please contact the Financial Aid at 800-561-2606 or email
Please follow the steps below to ensure a smooth transition to Lincoln University and secure federal aid.
Step 1 – Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
To apply for financial aid, students must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Follow the steps for FAFSA filing. Be sure to enter Lincoln University’s federal school code: 003290.
Step 2: See if you qualify for Federal or Pennsylvania State Grants
Step 3: Learn about Federal Student Loans
Lincoln University participates in the Federal Direct Loan Program. The federal loan program has two main sources of funding which include the Federal Direct Loan for students and the Federal PLUS Loan for parents:
Loans MUST be repaid. If you are considering loans to finance your education, please click on the links below for more information.
Federal Direct Loans